Collaboration with Steely Dane

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Collaboration with Steely Dane

Hey everyone this is AL from steely dane the ultimate Steely Dane tribute. We're from madison wisconsin which is located in dane county. We are here at the beautiful Jam theater in eau claire wisconsin and we're excited to announce that we're going to be working with SHEHDS lighting. we got some lights from them and i'm gonna show you a quick video of what it is that we're using and how we can use these lights with a full band and a theater we got the 7r 230 watt beams and we've got them stationed across the front. four of those and then we got four of the 100 watt spots on some podiums in the back.

Let's go up and visit our lighting director. This is our lighting director Glenn Otten bacher. Glenn what are you running here. I'm sitting in onyx console. Got it so, this is how we're looking from the back of the room. We don't have anywhere to fly lights up there so everything's on the ground. We'll come back and show you what it looks like when everything's up and running and the band is is set up.

We're excited to partner with SHEHDS. they've been great to work with and we're looking forward to working with them more in the future there's a number of reviews of SHEHDS lights from DJs but we wanted to speak about the benefits of their lighting and pricing from a band's point of view for stage shows and theaters and music venues. Adding a coordinated lighting show with a lighting director it can really elevate your show to the next level and SHEHDS offers professional quality DMX lighting at a price point that has tremendous value for bands.

As we're located in the united states, we're also glad to know that SHEHDS has two US based locations so parts and service and shipping will be much easier with them check out what SHEHDS has to offer there's a number of different types of lights beams, effects lights, spots hybrids, also accessories. Thanks again to sheds and we're really, really excited to be working with you.

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